라벨이 SNS인 게시물 표시

We've developed a new Social Network Service.

Dear You, Dear Me, We've developed a new Social Network Service. Everyone has their own story. However, it cannot tell all the stories. Because you have no one to listen to, you don't want to hurt anyone, you don't want to show your weakness, There are stories that you want to tell but cannot tell for various reasons. We share many stories with friends, colleagues and family, but we live our lives without telling the stories we really want to tell. Dear You, Dear Me, We needed a space where we could talk comfortably without being conscious of our surroundings. And, I believe that we can create that space together. Please listen to other people's stories with a warm heart. Please feel free to tell us your story. Our team is constantly working to create a space where you feel comfortable talking. For inquiries, please send an email to trnfriends@gmail.com.